Control Issues

youIQ Episode 28

The COVID-19 pandemic has now begun affecting the lives of people all over the United States, as people have been asked to stay at home unless absolutely necessary. Schools have enacted “distance learning” methods to try and salvage the school year and restaurants and other public gathering places have closed. How different is life for many than it was 6 months ago…

But, we have always faced uncertainty…and we are still miraculously here! We know far less than we don’t know. And we control far less than we don’t control. We could cause ourselves great anxiety and stress by focusing on things we don’t control. The opposite is also true, however. By turning our focus toward those things we truly can control, we can relieve anxiety and stress. 

One thing we can immediately control is our perspective. Through controlling our perspective, we can replace the thoughts that cause anxiety with thoughts that promote strength. 

As the saying goes:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Be well,