The Rubber Band Challenge

youIQ – Episode 6

In this week’s youIQ episode, resilience is the topic. Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. It’s also the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape. Elasticity. Like a rubber band. Resilience is a powerful ally in the process of change, especially as unexpected circumstances occur. 

This amazing quality can be yours with a shift of your mindset. The mindset of optimism and determination can lead to increased resilience. Some people become cynical and give up easily, causing them to replay their tragedies over and over again in their head, as well as through conversations with others. Why put yourself through this when there is another path?

I share two stories that display the power of resilience and a positive mindset. Do you have what it takes to take on the Rubber Band Challenge? I believe you do. I believe everyone does. It does take effort, but it is also very rewarding. 

Want to explore this a bit more? Consider the questions below.

Be well,
Chuck Ross

Reflection Questions

  • Think of a time when you were able to bounce back from a challenge or forced change. What specific reasons can you think of that explain the ease with which you bounced back? Describe your mindset during this process.
  • Now, think of a time where it was difficult to bounce back from a challenge or forced change. What specific reasons can you think of that explain the difficulty with which you bounced back? Describe your mindset during this process
  • Consider the difference between the two situations and your reactions to both. What can you do to react with resilience in the future?
  • How can you duplicate the mindset with which you reacted successfully with resilience?

1 thought on “The Rubber Band Challenge”

  1. I enjoyed the reminder of the importance of mindset. I’m glad that you will continue with this topic because there is,so much meat here. Your stories of resilience remind me of how fortunate I am. They are inspiring! Tenacity is another important topic. It is easy to be resilient for a while and to run out of patience when our situation doesn’t improve as fast as we would like. This is a symptom of a culture of speed and greed. Keep up the fascinating topics and catchy titles!

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